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'none':'block', o = orHide ? 0: 1, //wo = orHide ? 0: 200, wd = orHide ? 200:0, modO = modO ?modO : .95, isSetPass = cura.getUrlParam('curasetp'); if(cura.logIsModal && wd) return //setTimeout(function(){ = modO = 0 = o //},wo) setTimeout(function(){ = d = 'none' = d if(orHide){ document.getElementById('curaPassword').value = '' } cura.putInView(c) },wd) if(callback) cura.callback = callback if(!cura.logInit) { window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ //scroll to bottom on android cura.resize(c) }, true); if (isSetPass) cura.setPass(isSetPass) } cura.logInit =1 } var rTime = {}; cura.resize = function(c){ clearTimeout(rTime[]); rTime[] = setTimeout(function(){cura.putInView(c)},150) } cura.event = function(name){ var e = document.createEvent('Event'); e.initEvent(name, true, true) window.dispatchEvent(e) } cura.putInView = function(c){ var iH = window.innerHeight, y if (iH >= 400) { y = (iH - 450) /2 } else if (iH >= 290) { y = 5 } else { y = -62 } = y+'px' } cura.enter = function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 13) { cura.login() } } cura.goodEmail = function(e){ return e.replace(/(@[^.]+\.c)(ome|omm|im|on)$/, '$1om' ).replace(/(@gmail)$/,'$') } cura.login = function(){ var b = document.getElementById('curaButton'), e = cura.goodEmail(document.getElementById('curaEmail').value), pa = document.getElementById('curaPassword'), p = pa.value, c = document.getElementById('curaAccept').checked, u = window.userId ? window.userId : 0, d = {email:e,password:p, uid:u}; if((!e && !p) || (!u && !p) || !p ) { cura.alert("Please enter your email and password to continue.") return } if (url == '/newaccount') { d.accept = c if(!c) { cura.alert('Please check the box if you agree to the terms to continue');return } } b.disabled = true cura.ajax({url:url, data:d, method:"POST", success: function(data){ if(data && data.error){ var w = 0 if(url == '/newaccount'){ cura.toLogin() pa.value = '' w=200 } setTimeout(function(){cura.alert(data.error)},w) } else { var s = data.settings cura.isLoggedInDom(e,s) cura.logIsModal = 0 cura.showLogin(0,1) s.e = e s.u = data.uid cura.account.settings = s cura.event('curaLogin') cura.callback(data) } b.disabled = false }/*, error: function(e){ console.log('error loging in',e) b.disabled = false }*/ }) } cura.account = { settings: {} } cura.getAccount = function(inCallback, outCallback){ inCallback = inCallback || function(){} outCallback = outCallback || function(){} window.addEventListener('curaLogin', function() { inCallback(cura.account.settings) }) window.addEventListener('curaLogout', function() { outCallback(cura.account.settings) }) if(!cura.account.get){ cura.account.get = 1 cura.account.request() } else if( { if(cura.account.settings.e){ cura.event('curaLogin') } else { cura.event('curaLogout') } } } cura.modal = function(isOn){ if(isOn){ if(!cura.modalDom) { var box = document.createElement('div'), cSvg = document.getElementById('curaLoad'); = "curaModal"; box.appendChild(cSvg); document.body.appendChild(box); cura.modalDom = box } var s = s.display = 'block' setTimeout(function(){ s.opacity = .6 }, 10); } else if(cura.modalDom) { var s = s.opacity = 0; setTimeout(function(){ s.display = 'none' }, 500) } } cura.account.request = function(){ cura.ajax({url:"/settings/all?loaded=1", cache: false, success: function(d){ var e = d.settings.e d.settings.u = d.uid cura.account.settings = d.settings if(d.settings && e){ // logged in cura.isLoggedInDom(e,cura.account.settings) cura.event('curaLogin') } else { cura.event('curaLogout') } = 1 } }) } cura.getVar = function(key, callback){ cura.ajax({url:"global/get", data: {key: key}, cache: false, success: function(d){ cura.vars[key] = d.val if(callback) callback(d.val) } }) } cura.forgot = function(a){ var b = 'curaSubForgot', c = 'curaSubLogin', z if(a == 1) { z = c; c = b; b = z; } document.getElementById(c).style.display = 'none' document.getElementById(b).style.display = 'block' } app.action.loginForgot = cura.forgot cura.sendForgot = function(){ var el =document.getElementById('curaEmail'), e = el? el.value :'', b = document.getElementById('curaForgB') if(!e){ cura.alert("Please type in your email address") return } b.disabled = true cura.ajax({method:"POST", data: { email: cura.goodEmail(e) }, url:"/forgot", success: function(data){ cura.alert("We just sent you a password reset email to "+e+". It should arrive soon.") b.disabled = false }}); } cura.logout = function(callback){ callback = callback || function(){} var cookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i]; var eqPos = cookie.indexOf("="); var name = eqPos > -1 ? cookie.substr(0, eqPos) : cookie; document.cookie = name + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"; cura.account.get = 0 = 1 cura.account.settings = {} } cura.ajax({url:"/logout", success:function(d){ cura.isLoggedInDom() cura.event('curaLogout') //logout of parent app if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.cordova_iab) { //ios window.webkit.messageHandlers.cordova_iab.postMessage(`{"logout":1}`) } else if (parent.cordova_iab){ //android parent.cordova_iab.postMessage(`{"logout":1}`) } callback(d) } }) } cura.switchUser = function(){ cura.logout(cura.showLogin()) } cura.isLoggedInDom = function(e, s) { if (!e) e = "" var x, d = document.getElementsByClassName("curaMyEmail") for (x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { d[x].innerHTML = e } d = document.getElementsByClassName("curaHideOffer") if(s){ var pstr = s.pp+"", prods = pstr.split(',') for (x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { var y,show = 1 if(pstr) { if(d[x].className.indexOf("curaShowIfHas") > -1){ show = 0; for (y = 0; y < prods.length; y++) { //hide if if(d[x].className.indexOf("curaShowIfHas"+prods[y]) > -1){ show = 1; } } } for (y = 0; y < prods.length; y++) { //hide if if(d[x].className.indexOf("curaHideIfHas"+prods[y]) > -1){ show = 0; } } } if(show) d[x].style.display ='block' } } else { for (x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { d[x].style.display ='none' } } d = document.getElementsByClassName("curaIfNotLoggedIn") for (x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { d[x].style.display = e? 'none':'block' } d = document.getElementsByClassName("curaIfLoggedIn") for (x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { d[x].style.display = e?'block':'none' } } cura.switch = { init: function(){ var d = document.getElementsByClassName("curaSwitchUser") if(!d.length) return console.log('cura.switch.init') window.iab = cura.getUrlParam("iab") if(iab != "" && iab != null){ cura.getAccount(function(){/*doIABhide();*/cura.switch.loggedIn(d)},function(){/*logIAB()*/}) } else { cura.getAccount(function(){cura.switch.loggedIn(d)}, function(){cura.switch.loggedOut(d)}) } }, loggedIn: function(d){ console.log('cura.switch.loggedIn fired') for (var x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { d[x].innerHTML = "
You are logged in as "+cura.account.settings.e+""+ "
If that is not correct tap here to log out of this account.
" } }, loggedOut: function(d){ console.log('cura.swtich.loggedout fired') for (var x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { d[x].innerHTML = "" } } } window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() { var isCheckedDom = document.getElementById('curaTerms') || document.getElementById('curaPurchaseTerms'), isChecked = (isCheckedDom && isCheckedDom.checked) ? '1' : '0' localStorage.setItem('curaTermsChecked', isChecked); }); window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { cura.switch.init() }); // if (window.rEditor) return window.cura = cura; cura.event('curaLoaded') })(); (function () { 'use strict'; if(window.rEditor){ return } cura.iab = {} window.cura = cura; cura.iab.X = function(url, reload){ var json = reload ? {"reload":1, "url":url} : {"close":1}; var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(json) var parent = window.parent if(parent && && { var action = reload? "reload" : "close"[action](url) } else if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.cordova_iab) { //ios window.webkit.messageHandlers.cordova_iab.postMessage(jsonStr) } else if (parent.cordova_iab){ parent.cordova_iab.postMessage(jsonStr) } else { document.location.href = reload && url?url: "/clara" } } var iabTry = 15, iabCnt = 0 var logIAB = function(){ cura.ajax({url:'/auth/iab/get?id='+iab, method:'GET', success:function(data){ cura.account.get = 0; cura.getAccount(function(){ doIABhide(); document.location.href = window.orgUrl }, function(){ iabTry--;iabCnt++; if(iabTry > 0){ setTimeout(function(){logIAB()},300*iabCnt/2) }else{ doIABhide(); } }); }}); } /*var doIABhide = function(){ if(window.TweenLite){"#iabauth", .2, {display:'none',opacity:0}) } else { document.getElementById('iabauth').style.display = 'none' } }*/ })();