A Scientific Approach to Chronic Pain

Life impacts pain; pain impacts life. Learning about the science behind chronic pain can help you gain more control over both.

Scientific Advisory Board

Meet the multidisciplinary team of board-certified physicians, pain psychologists, physical therapists, and neuroscientists that help make the Curable program possible here>

Curable's Approach to Healing

Modern research shows that psychological and emotional elements can play a major role in chronic pain. These non-physical components can help the brain “learn” to be in pain, re-wiring the body’s neural circuitry to perpetuate the sensation of pain.

BUT this means the brain can also "unlearn" pain, paving the way to physical pain relief.

Curable incorporates this modern research and mindbody medicine techniques into easily accessible exercises that help you:

  • Overcome fear of movement, pain, and more
  • Learn how to retrain your body's pain response
  • Tackle your unique pain stressors and break the pain cycle
  • Build confidence in yourself and your body
  • Re-engage in life's everyday activities

What is Mindbody Medicine?


*Study Design: Curable distributes a Patient Global Impression of Change survey to individuals after they have been using the program for 30 days. This study is ongoing, but to date the analysis includes n = 10,173 respondents.

"This app has been a game changer for my chronic migraines. I had tried chiropractor, acupuncture, organic diet, elimination diet, physical therapy, supplements, yoga, meditation and a lot more. I cannot thank you enough!"

- Rupa, Years of Migraine

Explore the Latest Research

Want to Explore Even More?

The Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (PPDA) has compiled a list of almost 200 published research papers on the science behind chronic pain and treatment options. Read here.

More Resources

Chronic Pain: A Cycle of Stress and Pain

Everyday stressors have more of an impact on the body than most of us realize. Once stressors are identified, the brain begins to put the body into a state of fight or flight, causing real, physical effects in the body. Download our infographic to understand how the chronic pain cycle works, and learn how to break it.

We’re All Just A Bundle Of Neural Pathways

Alan Gordon has spent his entire career helping people to overcome pain they’ve been told is incurable, by looking at it from a different perspective: a neural pathway problem. But before he treated these pain conditions, he lived through them. Hear more about Alan’s personal struggles with pain, and how he helps his patients now.

Pain Is An Emotion

Dr. Bethany Ranes, a research scientist with a background in cognitive neuroscience, is currently working on a project that could dramatically change the future of healthcare for chronic pain patients. Her team at UnitedHealth Group Research and Development is building a new system: one that treats patients from a biological, psychological and social perspective.

Ready to Begin Your Healing Journey?

What You'll Find in the Curable App:

A personal smart coach that understands your unique pain patterns and tailors the Curable program just for you

The latest chronic pain neuroscience research in bite-sized audio lessons

100+ science-backed exercises designed to rewire your nervous system and reduce your symptoms

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